about me

Kirsten Zinchuk Haley

kirsten is the owner and founder of sault + spirit and its birthplace, sault haus.

believing everything we need to live our most joyful, purposeful lives resides in the stories we tell, the profound wisdom of our bodies and learning to hold this whole dance of life with a looser grip and a more joyful heart. in a world and a body that are constantly evolving and becoming, nothing is beyond our power to transform and transmute.

kirsten has a graduate degree in ethnography and anthropology from the university of chicago and studied creative writing and philosophy at emory university. she has been investigating and crafting stories for brands, groups and individuals for over 25 years, transforming what is possible for all.

her lifetime love of the mystical tradition of tarot and extensive graduate work in media theory has informed her work on visual narrative as a powerful tool for trauma resolution and healing. she is a reiki master, attuned to reading the akasha, a master of eriksonian hypnosis and has been studying the art of embodiment and open-hearted intimacy for the past few years. currently, she is studying more somatic modalities with a keen interest in the stories the body is telling through our movements, habits and gestures.

the stories we tell… linguistically, socially, psychologically, culturally, visually, physically, relationally …that is the heart of it all.